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a shoulder to cry on -  it's supposed to be written yesterday but i'm too lazy to do anything when i'm in pain. so can we just pretend that i wrote this on 11/11/2020? deal. it's a nice date. but not a nice day for me. i felt.. being replaced by my bestest friend. i know she didn't feel the same. i mean she may not feel like she's replacing me with someone, but I felt that. so who's the impostor here?haha but deeply in my heart, i know its not her fault. it just me being romanticized with our friendship back then, i thought that i will be the very first person she looked up too. but it doesn't work like that anymore. and that's how life works sometimes.  in this case I start to questioning about my existence. am i a good friend like i wish i had a friend like me? but the answer is, i'm not. i'm not a good friend, yet a good daughter, good sister, and good girlfriend. but i started to give another question. what does it mean to be a good perso

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